Aldous Information Services BV was established in 2012 to provide value-added information services to its clients.




Aldous meets specific information needs of its clients by developing custom information solutions.




Since its establishment Aldous served many clients seeking specific information.



Here we have an really awesome Photo Gallery for you, it's based on the {tooltip | # | Magnific Popup is a very small Lightbox Plugin and works as a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, videos and other Content | top | Magnific Popup}, a powerful and awesome Content Lightbox, so with this to scripts the layout is fully responsive and the images, videos and other content is looking great.

{panel-white} {list | type3} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}Full responsive layout of this Image Gallery{/listing} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}This extension creates automatically Thumbnails (small images) for you{/listing} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}Many included options in this plugin, also four layout variations{/listing} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}Simple Navigation using your {tooltip | # | Simply press left or right on your Keyboard to navigate through the gallery | top | Keyboard} to switch to the next or previous Image{/listing} {/list} {/panel}

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Demo - Basic

{wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[214] thumb=[default] order=[asc] count=[18] thumb_cache_dir=[x-thumbs1]}

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Demo - Cut

{wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[192] thumb=[cut] order=[asc] count=[18] thumb_cache_dir=[x-thumbs2]}

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Demo - Plain

{wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[155] thumb=[plain] order=[asc] thumb_cache_dir=[x-thumbs3]}

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Demo - Rounded

{wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[173] thumb=[rounded] order=[asc] count=[18] thumb_cache_dir=[x-thumbs4]}

{icon | fa-question-circle templatecolor}How to use

This function is made with an Joomla plugin which is included in the download package of this theme. You find an detailed documentation in the Backend of this Plugin, but it's really easy to use and to create stunning responsive Image gallerys.

The Galleries above are made with the following Shortcodes:

{ wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[182] thumb=[default] } { wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[163] thumb=[cut] } { wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[150] thumb=[plain] } { wsview src=[/images/sampledata/portfolio] width=[180] thumb=[rounded] }