Aldous Information Services BV was established in 2012 to provide value-added information services to its clients.




Aldous meets specific information needs of its clients by developing custom information solutions.




Since its establishment Aldous served many clients seeking specific information.



Videos are a nice way to publish your message all over the world. If you want to include your Videos from {tooltip | # | YouTube is a big video hosting service from google | top | YouTube}, Vimeo or an other Video Hoster you can include this in an easy way using our shortcode system.

{panel-white} {list | type3} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}You only must to type in the ID of the Video from YouTube or Vimeo, that's all{/listing} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}The output video is responsive so it always fits to the device where you want to watch{/listing} {listing}{icon | fa-caret-right}No complicated including of an iframe in a Wysiwig editor using extensions{/listing} {/list} {/panel}

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Vimeo

{vimeo | 1084537?badge=0}

{icon | fa-question-circle templatecolor}How to use Vimeo Videos

{vimeo | 24195442} Example: http://vimeo.com/24195442 means your ID is 24195442

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}YouTube

{youtube | eRsGyueVLvQ?rel=0}

{icon | fa-question-circle templatecolor}How to use YouTube Videos

{youtube | Yq_6kEyIAcM} Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_6kEyIAcM means your ID is Yq_6kEyIAcM

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}YouTube Widescreen

{youtube-wide | eRsGyueVLvQ?rel=0}

{icon | fa-question-circle templatecolor}How to use YouTube Widescreen Videos

{youtube-wide | N966cATFWjI} Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N966cATFWjI means your ID is N966cATFWjI

{icon | fa-flask templatecolor}Responsive iFrames


{icon | fa-question-circle templatecolor}How to use responsive iFrames (works also with Flash Content)

{iframe}Your iFrame embedding Code here{/iframe} Attention: for including regular iFrames or Flash it's recommend to turn your WYSIWIG Editor, like TinyMCE, to off! {toggle | Familiar with Basic HTML?} Simple YouTube Video <div class="flex-video">Embed Code here></div> Simple YouTube Wide Video <div class="flex-video widescreen">Embed Code here></div> Simple Vimeo Video <div class="flex-video vimeo">Embed Code here></div> Simple iFrame or Flash Content <div class="flex-video">Embed Code here></div> You will see, simply wrap the Content with the Class 'flex-video', this will make the Content responsive {/toggle}